Township Officials
Hollywood Township officials include Chair Supervisor Jeff Neaton 612-859-1979, Supervisor Bruce Fillbrandt 952-353-2474, Supervisor Mark Sundblad 612-701-7901, clerk Pam Henry-Neaton (952) 353-1515, and treasurer Judy Warner 952-353-2274.
Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Hollywood Township Hall, located at 15855 Co. Rd. 122 in Watertown.
Mail should be sent to 15855 Co. Rd. 122, Watertown, MN 55388. Phone is (952) 955-3630 (township hall), or (952) 353-1515 (township clerk number). Email is
Garbage Pickup
The township doesn’t provide garbage service. Residents must arrange with a local sanitation company for pickup
Recycling Stations
Refer to home page.
Burning Permits
Burning permits may be obtained by contacting Chuck Schuft, 952-994-5867.
Building permits
Building permits may be obtained by calling Carver County Planning and Zoning at (952) 361-1820.
McLeod Power Cooperative, 1231 Ford Avenue in Glencoe. Electricity outage calls, (320) 864-3148 or (800) 494-6272.
Xcel Energy, Residential Customer Service, (800) 895-4999; Business Solution Center, (800) 895-4949.
Frontier Communications, (800) 435-1504, or for customer service, (800) 921-8101.
Embarq, (800) 788-3500, 24-hour repair service (800) 788-3600, TDD/TTY (800) 627-3529.
TDS TELECOM, (320) 485-4111,